by AVA | 20.03.2016 | Archiv
Andrea Vattovani of AVA designs the new Austrian residence for Marco Armiliato. He is considered to be one of today’s most respected opera conductors and is a frequent guest in the world’s most prestigious opera houses(New York, Vienna, Zurich…). Andrea...
by AVA | 28.01.2016 | Archiv
Today we saw the final presentation of Design 3, the course held by Andrea Vattovani at Graz University of Technology. This year the course was again a kind of experiment in which the students developed a masterplan for a working environment such as an office. The...
by AVA | 24.11.2015 | Archiv
Andrea Vattovani Architecture was awarded as recognized leader in Timeless Architecture with the Architecture Award 2015 from English magazine Build. “We are very proud of this achievement that we achieved we the hard work of last years” – Andrea...
by AVA | 7.11.2015 | Archiv
Andrea Vattovani holded today a workshop at UDINE3D about the backstage of the architectural process during the development of a projects. David Rossman of Felix render was also guest of the workshop presenting the latest features of his rendering software. Emanuele...
by AVA | 4.10.2015 | Archiv
Andrea Vattovani is going to be holding a lecture about AVA latest projects at ARCHIP the international private college for architecture in Prague. Friday October the 30th at 4:30pm.
by AVA | 12.08.2015 | Archiv
Our proposal for the house of Hungarian music for the Liget Budapest competition was published alongside the other winners in the spanish architecture magazine AV Proyectos.